New to the list

Phil A. Lefebvre p-lefebvre at
Sun Feb 2 21:17:29 PST 2003

On 02/02/03 at 8:07 PM -0800, Macintosh Digital Video List wrote:
>Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2003 22:07:37 -0500
>Subject: [MacDV]
>From: JM <juanm at>
>Message-Id: <A6410D08-3724-11D7-8A5E-0003937A3432 at>
>Which Sony Digital 8 Camcorder?
>If you have at least the model 140 and up you can connect an analog VCR
>or camera to the digital camera and record your analog tapes on to
>digital tapes.

Are you sure? When I checked the spec sheet of the TRV140, it said:

A/V Dubbing: - Yes,

but also:

Line-In Recording: - No 
Inputs: - No 
Outputs: - 1x S-Video, 1x Mini Audio/Video (with Cable Mini-RCA), 
Fire Wire (IEEE-1394)

So how do you dub into or through the 140 if it has no inputs?
I'm looking for another D8 camcorder to replace my TRV-103. It can 
import analog video to tape, but lacks pass through dubbing. I want 
to avoid the feature-bloated higher end D8 camcorders, but 
pass-through availability appears spotty. I know the TRV240 and 350 
do it, but they are a little more than I want to spend for a 
semi-minor upgrade.
Phil Lefebvre
Chicago, IL

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