[MacDV] Re: Quips & Quibbles with iMovie 3 (long)

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Mon Feb 3 20:19:12 PST 2003

On Monday, February 3, 2003, at 09:29 PM, Geno Kearney wrote:

> Can it be determined that its people who are getting the downloaded 
> 3.0.1 version that are having the trouble. Are people getting it from 
> the box also having problems? I'm just asking to try and figure this 
> thing out. Things just aren't making sense. Any thoughts?

Well, I also have a single 867 with 1 GB RAM, I downloaded 3.0.1 from 
the web, and I'm not having stutter problems. Not sure what the 
problems might correlate with. Someone commented that iMovie2 projects 
seem to cause slowness - I can't check that - don't have any old 
projects laying around.


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