[MacDV] Re: unsubscribe me

Ric Perrott writerric at mac.com
Tue Feb 4 15:02:21 PST 2003

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 05:28  PM, Gerhard Kuhn wrote:

> Having a bad day?
Not at all. It's just a little irritating that I get numerous emails in 
my box from people that lack the simple ability to read.

when you signed up for the list you were given rather explicit 
instructions on how to unsubscribe, yet every day there's 2 or 3 people 
that ignore that and send "unsubscribe" to the entire mailing list. I'm 
thinking of adding a rule in Mail.app that deletes anything from this 
list with "unsubscribe" in the subject.

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