[MacDV] List Splitting

Robert Meadors rmeadors at mac.com
Fri Feb 7 14:29:08 PST 2003

Ditto what Dave said.


On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 02:27  PM, David Thrasher wrote:

> Here's one vote "No" to splitting up the list. For one, I don't like 
> the idea of having some "elite" list for one group who already know 
> everything leaving the beginning people to fend for themselves. I 
> think there's a benefit for having everyone here even though it 
> creates a lot of traffic. A better solution to the size problem, if 
> that is what is the problem, is just limiting the size of the quotes 
> from previous messages. I think everyone has something valuable to 
> contribute to the list, even if it is just asking a good question to 
> start things off.
> -Dave

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