[MacDV] Re: CD/DVD printers & media

Jim Zabilla jimzab at cox.net
Sun Feb 9 10:24:14 PST 2003

That's exactly my problem.  A lot of people have slot loading machines, like
the new powerbooks.  And the paper CD/DVD stickers bubble after a while and
then they won't play a dvd disk.  Also, it's away to look more professional
without paying a fortune to outsource printing.  The drag about the Epson
960 (thanks for the tip) is the CD printing software is not OSX compatible.
Just when I thought I was almost finished with OS9.


> From: Shirley Kehr <ShirleyKat at worldnet.att.net>
> Reply-To: "Macintosh Digital Video List"<MacDV at lists.themacintoshguy.com>
> Date: Sun, 09 Feb 2003 07:25:02 -0800
> To: "Macintosh Digital Video List" <MacDV at lists.themacintoshguy.com>
> Subject: [MacDV] Re: CD/DVD printers & media
> Where did you hear about a fixative? Any further information on that?
> Would this be a way to print on media that is not labeled as "inkjet
> printable?" I have a lot of blank CDs with a white surface. If there
> were a way to make them printable, this might be a good option to paper
> labels (which I won't use anymore with a slot-loading iMac).
> Shirley
> Ron wrote:
>> on 2/7/03 8:38 PM, Jim Zabilla at jimzab at cox.net wrote:
>>> Has anyone had any experience with dc/dvd printers?  I'm looking for a cheap
>>> printer like the EZCD  printer.  Has anyone uses this product?
>> I would look at the Epson Stylus Photo 960. Has 6 color dye inks and other
>> great specs and prints directly on discs with a holder kit so no need for
>> the old EZCD (which is an older Epson 60 or 80??). I think that you have to
>> use a fixative when using ink on discs to prevent smudging, but no big deal.
>> Epson's link but search shopper.com for best price.
>> http://www.epson.com/cgi-bin/Store/ProductQuickSpec.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@206
>> 6090942.1044724829@@@@&BV_EngineID=hadcgghmlmfkbfdmcfjgckidnk.0&oid=22403490
>> &category=Ink+Jet+Printers
>> ----------
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