[MacDV] adding NTSC monitor

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Feb 10 08:19:45 PST 2003

You can use the FireWire output running into a DV camera or deck to 
feed a monitor from its analog outputs so you can see/hear any DV 
stream coming out of that port when you are sending DV out that way.


On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 08:03  AM, Malcolm Hamilton wrote:

> Hello everyone -
> A question from someone who's about to set up a new G4 desktop to do 
> some video editing.  I'll have two monitors attached for as much 
> screen real estate as possible.  But what about attaching an NTSC 
> monitor?  Can I do that as well?  Is there a good reason to do it?
> Thanks for any advice,
> Malcolm

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