[MacDV] CDs to use for VCDs

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Feb 10 20:25:42 PST 2003

There is no difference between music and data CD-Rs. It's just a 
packaging gimmick to charge more.


On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 10:17  PM, David Thrasher wrote:

> I'm still looking for the "holy grail" of a CD that will work as a 
> Video CD in my friend's Sony DVD player. I had once made a successful 
> test VCD on a PC using some generic looking CD-Rs from CompUSA but 
> they no longer carry them. They looked like they must have been 
> repackaged CD-R blanks for CD duplicators. They were plain silver on 
> the label side with no markings at all and the recording side was so 
> close in appearance to the other side that you had to look closely to 
> put it in right. If I could find a new source for these, it would be 
> great.
> I've tried so far Memorex, iMation and Sony CD-Rs and Memorex CD-RWs 
> without success. I'm about to try out Maxell Music CD-RWs which brings 
> up a question: Is there really a difference between music and data CDs 
> (CD-Rs, CD-RWs) or is it just a packaging gimmick to charge more?
> -Dave

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