[MacDV] Audio on Export

Richard Dalziel-Sharpe dalshar at optushome.com.au
Thu Feb 13 05:21:08 PST 2003

I had the same problem and worked around it by just playing the project 
from the timeline rather than using the "Export " command from the menu.
On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 08:29  AM, Winston MacKelvie wrote:

> Hi Guys and Dolls,
> I'm 17iMac w/512ram &X.2.3 with iMovie3. When I export to one Project 
> QuickTime it plays in QT with no sound, but has sound in iMovie.
> Another Project run for comparison Exported to QT and plays with 
> proper sound.
> Any ideas why a particular Project should export silent?

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