[MacDV] Re: Audio on Export

Winston MacKelvie winstonworks at sympatico.ca
Thu Feb 13 12:25:22 PST 2003

Hello Richard. Well I re-read my question and its not so clear. So here 
it is again.

I'm 17iMac w/512ram &X.2.3 with iMovie3. When I export one particular 
iMovie Project QuickTime, it plays the video in QT but not the sound.
The same Project plays back fine in iMovie.

Investigating the problem, I Exported another iMovie Project to QT, and 
it plays normally, both sound and video.

Investigating further, I made a new Project in iMovie using one of the 
problem soundtracks. It Exported to QT and plays back fine.

Any ideas why one particular Project should export silent?

What do you mean by "playing from the timeline"? I need to get a QT 


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