[MacDV] New video software

Colin McDonald cmmcdonald at mac.com
Sat Feb 15 00:02:51 PST 2003

on 13/2/03 21:41, Scott Baldwin at sbaldwin at san.rr.com wrote:

> Here is a new software application, that seems to fall somewhere
> between iMovie and Final Cut Express in features and price.  It is
> called Montage and is available here:
> http://www.arboretum.com/
> The price is $149.00.
> I downloaded the demo, and on first look I like it.  It is a a lot more
> versatile than iMovie, in particular in it's treatment of audio.
> (Aboretum is a well established Mac audio product company)
> You can lay out an infinite(!) number of video tracks and stills in one
> window and cut, paste drag and connect  at will. some rudimentary video
> editing is available.  The time line is much more sophisticated than
> iMovie.
> You can have an infinite number of audio tracks!  Basic audio editing
> can be done.
> It imports and exports in a much wider variety of formats than imovie.
> The downside is that there is not as many transitions and effects
> available yet as there is for imovie.  (and you have to pay for it!)
> Take a look at the demo and see what you think.
> Cheers,
> Scott
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