[MacDV] Re: 10.2.4 update

Gerhard Kuhn suspice at hay.net
Mon Feb 17 19:05:08 PST 2003

O.K. here is my set up : iMac G4 800, 512 RAM, Superdrive, external 80 
GB 7200 RPM Lacie firewire drive

Before installing the 10.2.4 update iMovie 3 did everything it was 
suppose to.  Now I can still edit but the sound is choppy and the video 
will freeze for 1/2 a second at a time every few seconds during 
playback.  This makes editing difficult to say the least.  If I export 
this to Quick Time at full quality DV it plays beautifully but not in 
iMovie.  I cannot see how the hardware can be at fault since it did a 
fine job on Friday before I did the OS update.  This setup is neither 
unusual nor borderline for the specs suggested by Apple so my 
conclusion is that the fault lies within the 10.2.4 update.
On Monday, February 17, 2003, at 09:10  AM, Gordon B. Alley wrote:

> It was probably thoroughly tested, but "thorough" doesn't mean there 
> is 0 chance of problems. They can't test for every possible 
> combination of hardware and software, including third-party stuff.
> I just completed a project yesterday using iMovie 3 running with OS X 
> 10.2.4. I didn't see any change in iMovie 3 after the OS X 10.2.4 
> update (I'm using an iMac G4 800 with 1GB RAM).
> How was iMovie affected by the 10.2.4 update for you? Did you try 
> re-installing it? Did you run Repair Permissions from Disk Utility on 
> your boot disk? If you describe the problem, someone here might be 
> able to help.
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 23:41:42 -0500, Gerhard Kuhn <suspice at hay.net> 
> wrote:
>> I unfortunately updated to 10.2.4 now iMovie is useless hope that this
>> gets fixed fast since I have a project that I was starting that
>> includes over 400 scanned images some of which I wanted to use the Ken
>> Burns effect on.  I have 75% of the scanning done so the editing was
>> going to start this week.  My deadline is four months away but still
>> would have liked to have a trouble free start.
>> Why would Apple post an update that was not thoroughly tested? This
>> would not have taken a lot of testing to uncover so what is their
>> excuse??  Funny thing was I seemed to be one of the few people that 
>> had
>> a good iMovie 3 experience, until this weekend that is.
>> Hoping for a timely resolution
>> Gerhard Kuhn
>> suspice at hay.net
> -- 
> Gordon Alley  <*>
> <mailto:galley at texas.net>
> <http://galley.home.texas.net>
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Gerhard Kuhn
suspice at hay.net

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