[MacDV] Re: Mobile Setup

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Tue Feb 18 16:36:54 PST 2003

At 9:28 AM +0900 2/19/03, Daniel Beck wrote:
>>Because I've never had any trouble--and as a rule I avoid going 
>>over 1394 while capturing. I'd really like to know what they have to
>>say. My gut instinct says that internal drives offer the best speed 
>>and my reading/experience suggests that a master second internal 
>>drive is always the best to write to.
>Exactly. I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. As I remember they recommend not 
>capturing to the OS disk. Michael Rubin suggests partitioning if a 
>second drive is not available.

No! No no no no no!!!! Partitioning is EEEEEEEEEVIL. As I mentioned,
it makes the disk head do too much work. (Okay, it's not the partition
that is evil, but running the capture program on one partition and
writing the data on another). I can't imagine that Rubin would have
suggested that. And yes, this isn't an iMovie thing--it's any video
capture program either Mac or PC.

>However, I do believe they would recommend capturing to a second 
>internal over FireWire if available. Maybe my understanding is a bit 
>fuzzy, but I do think they (or at least one of them) still suggested 
>FireWire over the OS Disk.

Firewire is a far better solution than capturing to another
partition on the same disk, IMO.

Very best solution: two very fast internal disks, both
configured as master on an extremely fast computer with
nothing running in the bg. Program on one, data capture to the other.
After that: Master & Slave. Then same disk, same partition.
Then internal and FW. Way down at the bottom, two partitions.

-- Erica, who's been wrong before and will be wrong again

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