[MacDV] Re: Mobile Setup

Daniel Beck danielbeck at mac.com
Tue Feb 18 16:47:17 PST 2003

Hi Erica,

On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, at 09:36 AM, Erica Sadun wrote:

> Very best solution: two very fast internal disks, both configured as 
> master on an extremely fast computer with
> nothing running in the bg. Program on one, data capture to the other.
> After that: Master & Slave.
> Then same disk, same partition.
> Then internal and FW.
> Way down at the bottom, two partitions.

Well, I won't argue with you. You certainly know your stuff better than 
me. But, with at least two of those other writers I mentioned, I'm sure 
that FW ranks over same disk, same partition. I do believe all would 
agree that your best two solutions are indeed the best two.

> -- Erica, who's been wrong before and will be wrong again

Hee hee. Aren't we all. But you're right more often than most of us (at 
least in DV matters!).


Daniel Beck
danielbeck at mac.com

Tadayoshi Video Productions
dbeck at tvp.jp.com
Video solutions in Tokyo

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