[MacDV] Re: iDVD3 w/ external drive... Anybody try this?

SLarsonIH at aol.com SLarsonIH at aol.com
Fri Feb 21 21:30:58 PST 2003

Well, then it sounds like the answer is yes. I have Toast, which will burn 
DVD's. iDVD will do all the rest, correct?


<< Well, then does this will let me get everything ready and then burn the 
project with Toast 5, which I have? If so, then I'll have to start using OSX.


<< No it doesn't. Sorry. Just checked it out myself:
With it, you can only launch iDVD3, create project, encode video
etc. but not burn.  I.e. everything minus burning works.

Sorry for the confusion.

filipp >>

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