[MacDV] Re: Apple screen saver

Gerhard Kuhn suspice at hay.net
Sun Feb 23 13:55:19 PST 2003

If you want the same effect on each slide i-Movie3 allows you to do 
this easily.  Import one photo apply the Ken Burns effect and then all 
subsequent imports will have the same effect until you change it.  I 
think it will look stale after the first ten photos but your results 
are directly related to the effort put into a project.

On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 08:57  PM, Elbert Wall wrote:

> Charles Martin wrote:
>>> From: Paul Moortgat <paul.moortgat at pandora.be>
>>> How can I make a slideshow with my pictures like the one Apple does.
>>> (Zooming and moving around with their pictures.)
>> You can do this with iPhoto. I made one based on pictures from scenic 
>> parts of Oregon that is a big hit when I give presentations ... 
>> people prefer the screensaver! :)
>> You can create something quite similar with iMovie3 as well. Check 
>> out the Apple page on iMovie3 and read up on "the Ken Burns Effect" 
>> for more info.
>> _Chas_
> Capturing the images from the screen saver probably doesn't require as 
> much work. I didn't see any panning and zooming in iPhoto. I think 
> iMovie and Still life would require him to change settings for each 
> and every image. Not fun if he had hundreds of images. The screensaver 
> pans and zooms by itself.

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