[MacDV] Re: delete imovie2--Help

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Tue Feb 25 07:02:28 PST 2003

On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 05:41  PM, Gerhard wrote:

> Even in Jag admin is not enough authority to delete this file (I tried
> deleting iMovie3 and was told I did not have enough authority), you 
> have
> to be root.  OS 9.2 will let you delete it without question.

Just to be clear, while logged in as an admin user did you :

Select the iMovie 2 bundle
Choose Get Info from the File menu (command-I)
Open the Ownership and Permissions panel
Change ownership to you and close the Info window?

And you still couldn't delete it?

I'm wondering because I haven't run across anything I couldn't delete 
this way unless the file was also locked, but that will also show up in 
the Get Info window.


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