speaking of real audio (was: Record real audio)

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Wed Feb 26 14:50:53 PST 2003

> From: rg ball <rgb at ellerbach.com>
> Does anyone have a pointer to an OSX program that'll convert real
> audio files into aiff/mp3/... i.e. anything that QT will handle?

Again, Audio Hijack ($16 from rogueamoeba.com). It converts .ra and 
.ram (Real Audio and streaming Real Audio) to AIFF files on the fly.


Lee Gomes of the Wall Street Journal, 24-Jan-03 , commenting on Apple's 
growing arsenal of hardware, OS and software that is clearly superior 
to anything in the Windows world: "It's like someone forgot to send 
them the Resistance is Futile memo."


"Here is the thing you will learn from really using an OS X Macintosh, 
and must somehow accept on faith if that's what it takes to get you to 
Switch: Apple makes design decisions based on a sincere desire to make 
your life better." -- Glenn McDonald

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