[MacDV] Re: OT: What webpage design app to use?

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Thu Feb 27 15:07:49 PST 2003

You can do it with Flash MX and/or Dreamweaver MX. Do you know HTML?

I'm taking college classes in all three and my professor thinks that 
the future of the web is in Flash Only Sites.


On Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 10:36  AM, Robert Schoenburg wrote:

> Try searching Tucows.com for web design software.
>> Hey all,
>> Was just curious ... I have a bunch of digital photos and some small 
>> video
>> clips that I wanted to create a web site around. What
>> webpage design app should I choose? I'm looking for something 
>> somewhat simple
>> and not outrageously priced ... and for OS X. Would
>> something like Dreamweaver be the best solution?
>> Regards,
>> Chris

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