[MacDV] Re: iDVD3- How is it working for you?

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Thu Feb 27 15:11:55 PST 2003

On Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 04:49 PM, Mike Swope wrote:

> I have started to use iMovie 3. I don't like it.
> In iMovie 2, if I split a video clip, the audio remained synced when 
> exported. iMovie 3 only exports for iDVD 3 ... other option is a DV 
> stream.

iMovie3 has all the same export options as iMovie2 - the catch is that 
you have to set them yourself. Do "export" and pick the "expert 
settings" option.

>  This option (haven't installed iDVD 3 yet) creates a movie where the 
> sound begins immediately and is therefore out-of-sync when titling and 
> a fade in are applied! Holy $#%&!

iMovie3 + Quicktime 6.1 fixes the long-standing problem with audio 
drift in iMovie2 (becomes noticeable at about 13-15 minutes into a 

I haven't seen any synch problems on exported movies (and I've done 
some over a half-hour long). If you can give some details on what 
you're doing, somebody might be able to help.


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