[MacDV] Re: OT: What webpage design app to use?

woodland at infowest.com woodland at infowest.com
Thu Feb 27 15:47:29 PST 2003

Quoting Thubten Kunga <Kunga at FutureMedia.org>:

> You can do it with Flash MX and/or Dreamweaver MX. Do you know HTML?
> I'm taking college classes in all three and my professor thinks that 
> the future of the web is in Flash Only Sites.
> k

It sounds like your professor is a big Flash fan.  I've used and enjoyed Director for a very long time, but I find Flash to be difficult to use.  I've taught graphic design at the college level for the last eight years as part of a baccalaureat degree program.  When the World Wide Web came along in 1993, it changed many things.  We've seen a significant shift in the way our society operates because of the Web.  I now also teach web publishing and multimedia and I disagree that Flash is the only future for the web.  Why not Java?  Why not PHP?  Why not XML?

Ron Woodland
St. George, UT

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