[MacDV] fundamental question

Preston PSeyle at mac.com
Fri Feb 28 08:59:03 PST 2003

If you don't have a support person or department to call on, YOU need 
to educate yourself and this group is a good resource to help you 
keep on top of things.  You will see a lot of problem issues on this 
group because that is what we're about.  rest assured, may of us make 
little mention of our many many successes.

A 70 year old man with no prior computer experience is now editing 
video on his second iMac. I helped him get setup with an iMac DV 
about 3 years ago and he's just gone nuts! He videos everything and 
then actually edits it. Once in a while he'll have a question or 
issue that he calls me about, but those are becoming less and less 

Get your Mac and let your creativity loose!


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