[MacDV] Re: Analog capture card?

Illovox Media illovox at oz.net
Wed Jul 2 02:21:29 PDT 2003

Makes a card more spendy is all...Kona, etc...best bet is the I/O Box.
Simple.  2k, i think.  rumor has it that an x driver for the matrox rtMac is
in the works


on 7/2/03 12:48 AM, Gary Fujihara at fujihara at subaru.naoj.org wrote:

> Oh, I forgot to mention, Subaru is also approving the purchase of a high end
> G5, which will not boot into 9.  I suppose this limits our options somewhat
>> From: Illovox Media <illovox at oz.net>
>> on 7/2/03 12:00 AM, Gary Fujihara at fujihara at subaru.naoj.org wrote:
>>> Aloha,
>>> Subaru Telescope has approved my proposal for an in-house video
>>> production facility.  I am looking into a fairly good analog capture capture
>>> card to import a bunch of video we already have taken by an analog 3CCD
>>> camcorder.  Anyone have suggestions?
>>> Best Regards
>>> Gary Fujihara
>> In 9, the Fuse card or the Targa 2000 Pro are very good cards...
>> Of interest also is the Matrox RT card.
>> I also have one of the Targa cards for sale
> Best Regards
> Gary Fujihara

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