[MacDV] Casio Digital still camera

Tim Selander selander at tkf.att.ne.jp
Sun Jul 6 06:00:03 PDT 2003

I've got a slightly earlier 1.2 megapixel version of the EX-M2; bought
it used last week. Then left on a location shoot. It was great to always
have it in my pocket to take quick pics during the shoot. I think I'm
really going to like using it!

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

> I just saw the neatest smallest digital camera at Radio Shack - the 
> Casio Exilim http://exilim.casio.com/ (What's with that Viewpoint Media
> Player that Casio uses on their website - never heard of it before.)
> Unbelievably small with a great many features and high quality image 
> capability. I don't usually like small digital cameras cuz usually they
> are just too small but I guess when you make it small enough, to me 
> anyway, it is quite amazing and would be on my 'want' list. Alas, I 
> have enough digital still cameras so I don't need it.
> check it out!
> My local Radio Shack had two models - one at $349 and the other at $399
> - both 3.2 megapixel cameras.
> Any body have one of these?
> Juan

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