[MacDV] CD slide show for DVD

Frank Flynn frank at declan.com
Mon Jul 7 17:04:07 PDT 2003

On 7/7/03 4:30 PM, "Macintosh Digital Video List"
<MacDV at lists.themacintoshguy.com> wrote:
> Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 08:19:09 -0500
> Subject: [MacDV] CD slide show for DVD
> From: "R. A. Cantrell" <racan at flash.net>
> Message-ID: <BB2EDD7D.2B380%racan at flash.net>
> Listers,
>           I have a small project in mind. I don't know exactly how to do
> it or if software has already been written to  do it, (or if it can be
> done.)
> I want to burn a cd that  will play in my DVD player. I want to have that cd
> do  this. Automatically open and  run a continuous loop slide show of images
> on  the  television.

There are a few pieces to this puzzle - most are simple:

1 - to get a slide show into video.

    iPhoto has got to be easiest solution here.  Make a library, arrange
    the photos the way you want them, even choose some music.  Then export
    to a Quicktime movie (it's under the export menu) or just click on the
    iDVD icon in iPhoto (if you're going to use iDVD)

2 - to get that video onto a VCD.

    iDVD will NOT do VCD's, only DVD's (actually blank DVD's are pretty
    cheap now if you've got a DVD burner you might just put it on a DVD).
    Or you could use Toast to do the VCD.

3 - To get it to auto play and to loop.

    Some DVD players are better about this than others (do you already
    have your DVD player?)  You need to link the end of your video back
    to the beginning.  In iDVD you can edit the project (not that hard
    but somewhat intimidating) and I'm not sure how to do that in Toast.

    There are some older posts in this list that explain how to edit the
    iDVD file.  I don't have them handy and would not quote them off the
    top of my head.

Good Luck,

Frank Flynn
Poet, Artist & Mystic

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