Charles Martin chasm at
Sun Jul 20 10:35:55 PDT 2003

> From: Matthew Guemple <mo.og at>
> Message-Id: <E610C986-BA77-11D7-B90B-000A9566D3DC at>
> You mean it's not a real date?
> ________________
> Matthew Guemple
> c. 646.734.6601
> h. 646.742.0994
> matblack at
> Matthew Guemple,
> Art Director, Men's Fitness
> 1 Park Avenue, 3rd Flr,=A0New York, NY=A010016
> 646.935.6919
> matt.guemple at

You apparently fixed it!! :)


"The Mac interface is not 'sexy', and it would be grotesque to want it 
to be. It is, in fact, playful, often well over the line into 
frivolity. The bouncing icons (and the puffs of smoke and the 
pipe-organ speech synthesizer and the way dialogs tidily resize and the 
drop-shadows on the windows and the jellybean buttons and the eject key 
on the keyboard) are not individually rationalizable on utilitarian 
grounds, and they do not pretend they mean to be. They are there to, in 
aggregate, change the nature of your relationship with the device. They 
are joyful, and they hope their joy is infectious." -- Glenn McDonald

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