[MacDV] Re: Using Commercial Music in a Video

Gerhard gerhardk at mac.com
Wed Jul 30 11:59:05 PDT 2003

Gerhard Kuhn
suspice at hay.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Macintosh Digital Video List
[mailto:MacDV at lists.themacintoshguy.com] I tend to agree that it is
stretching the concept of fair use but if it is made by you for your own
use who would find out since no distribution is involved.  As soon as
you ask money for your work and it includes copyrighted material you
have stepped over the line and are clearly breaking the copyright laws.

Steve Jobs implied during the introduction of the iLife suite that
including music from your iMusic library in iMovies and iPhoto slide
shows was o.k.

On Behalf Of Steven Rogers
Sent: July 30, 2003 2:30 PM
To: Macintosh Digital Video List
Subject: [MacDV] Re: Using Commercial Music in a Video

It would be OK to hire someone to rip your CDs into iTunes for you, 
because that's a use that you've licensed by buying the CD. Buying the 
CD does not give unlimited rights - not even unlimited rights for you 
personally. The problem is that laying the music under video is not one 
of the rights you buy when you purchase the CD.


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