[MacDV] Re: Using Commercial Music in a Video

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Wed Jul 30 11:29:43 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, at 08:43 AM, Michael Winter wrote:

> My interpretation of this is that its OK to do it since the "customer" 
> is using music they purchased for personal use -just hiring someone 
> else to do it. Something like, it would be OK for me to hire someone 
> (like my daughter :- ) to rip a stack of my CDs into iTunes for my 
> personal use (I'm the customer, she's the contractor). I don't know if 
> doing it that way really gets around the legal hurdles or not.

It would be OK to hire someone to rip your CDs into iTunes for you, 
because that's a use that you've licensed by buying the CD. Buying the 
CD does not give unlimited rights - not even unlimited rights for you 
personally. The problem is that laying the music under video is not one 
of the rights you buy when you purchase the CD.


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