[MacDV] Re: DV camcorder without firewire (was iMovie 3 isout)

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Thu Jun 5 10:41:56 PDT 2003

On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 11:57  AM, Gerhard Kuhn wrote:

> Here is a quote from a CNET article and it turns out Apple did charge. 
>  This charge has been dropped however since the introduction of USB2.

We're talking about two different things, and its most likely me who 
got off track (and you didn't get off the track with me).

What I was referring to was the ability to use the trademarked name 
"FireWire" for labeling/marketing IEEE1394 products, while what you're 
describing is the licensing cost associated with the intellectual 
property underlying IEEE 1394.

Allowing others to use the FireWire brand name means I can walk into a 
store and ask for a FireWire cable instead of saying I need an IEEE 
1394 cable (many I see on the shelf are still labeled this way).

Hopefully I'm making sense now.


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