[MacDV] Re: Hard drive for iBook video editing

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Mon Mar 3 13:57:06 PST 2003

On Monday, March 3, 2003, at 02:37  PM, Mark M. Florida wrote:

> The problem with using FireWire drives for DV capture is not that the 
> drives themselves or the FireWire interface aren't fast enough, it's 
> that there's contention with the FireWire bus when transferring 
> to/from a FireWire camera on the same bus -- both devices *want* 
> control, but only one of them *gets* it.

I've only tested having both the Firewire drive and the video source on 
the same Firewire bus, but didn't have any trouble. The reason I did 
this testing was based on an earlier thread on the list titled "200 gig 
hard drive vs. dividing hard imac drive" in case anyone wants to look 
it up in the archive.

 From that thread I found that "Real world firewire 400 is 27MB to 
35MB/sec., maybe 37MB/sec." and DV capture only requires 3.6 MB/sec 
(courtesy of sb). Plenty of bandwidth for the job. It was also 
indicated that having the hard drive and the video source daisy-chained 
was not a problem, which my testing verified (to my satisfaction).

Now wether or not there may be other bottlenecks in the iBook that 
cause problems, I don't know.


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