store data on DVDs?

Matti Haveri matti.haveri at
Tue Mar 11 02:25:02 PST 2003

>  Of course. But DV Video needs 13 GB /hr for storage. So tape is much
>  more efficient for that part of your archive.

Yes, tape is much cheaper but there are some benefits storing iMovie 
projects as data files on DVDs or removable Firewire disks:

-The iMovie project folder contents may be stored "unflattened", i.e. 
you can remove titles and transitions to reveal underlying original 

-Data files on HDs and DVDs have more robust error correction on more 
robust media compared to DV/D8 tapes which are prone to dropouts.

-Speed. Transferring 1 hour from/to a tape takes 1 hour (3.6 MB/s) 
whereas at least a FW drive can be much quicker (at least 25 MB/s?). 
How fast are DVD drives?

Matti Haveri <matti.haveri at> <>

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