[MacDV] FCP Chapters to iDVD3

Darby Lee Darrow darrowspammagnet at cox.net
Fri Mar 14 16:08:30 PST 2003

>Has anyone worked with chapters in FCP3 for use with iDVD3? Can 
>anyone give me a step by step? Do I export as a FCP movie, or as a 
>QT movie as the Help article suggests? And will the chapters just 
>show up in iDVD?

As I understand
Set chapter markers
export as FCP movie
iDVD will recognize the chapters.

I cannot get it to work on either of my two systems, but others over 
at www.kenstone.org have succeeded with those steps.

Darby Lee Darrow
darrowspammagnet at cox.net

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