[MacDV] Re: Marbella Technologies New Major Discounter of NewMacs

K. kochkodin at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 16 08:15:13 PST 2003

Matthew Guemple wrote:

> Indeed. I work in publishing, and I think for the most part no one
> actually looks much at the ad, just whether they are ugly or not and
> whether or not they will actually pay their bill.

True..and if you look closely somewhere around the magazine you will probably see a
notice that the magazine does not vouch for the authenticity or truthfullness of the
ad...It's strictly up to the prospective buyer...  This type of notice is usually found
in newspapers also.  As long as the ad is paid in full that's all the publisher cares
about...Many publications demand payment up front from "new" businesses that have yet to
establish a track record for authenticity.  As for the checking account #'s...the
merchant can try to get as much out as possible.  The problem today is that so many
banks are providing "overdraft" protection that allows you to write a check for anywhere
from $100 to $1000 or more over your balance and the bank will pay it.  The bank then
notifies you a week or more later about what they did and you are on the hok for the
overdraft PLUs a "service charge" of at least $25 on top...They are not responsible for
the fact that your account as cleaned out because you gave the #'s to the "merchant" and
the problem is between you and the marchant...
Mike K

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