Backing up your machines -- CORRECTION

Tom Kirshbaum tom.kirshbaum at
Sun Mar 16 12:45:48 PST 2003

Last night I posted:

> Unfortunately, Dantz says Retrospect won't run on 10.2.3 or later.

NOT TRUE. What I meant to say was that Retrospect won't work with DVD-RAM on
recent OS (after 10.2.1, I think). Backing up to HD (or tape, I assume)
works fine. But I think it's really important to be able to store at least
one backup off-site, or at least in a basement, where it would be less
likely to  be lost in a fire or burglary, or subject to water or kid or dog
damage. That's why my first thought is that if Retrospect won't work with
DVD-RAM, it doesn't work at all.

That leap of thought led me to misspeak.

Sorry for the misinformation.


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