[MacDV] Re: Premiere 6.5 OS X Preference File Location

Mark M. Florida markflo at mac.com
Tue Mar 25 11:55:12 PST 2003

Move both Premiere pref files to the trash (without emptying it) or another
folder, but don't actually delete them.  Then apply your update and restart
the app.  If all goes well, then get rid of the old prefs for good.

> Thank you Mark. You were right. I found that file. There is another one
> called "Adobe Premiere® 6.5 Prefs". Should I delete that one too? This
> is about a minor update that called for replacing two old plug ins and
> then deleting preference file(s). I don't know if I should delete both.
> I worry about deleting something that won't regenerate. Thanks again.
> k
> On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 08:14  AM, Mark M. Florida wrote:
>> Premiere 6.5 on Mac OS X, but the
>> default location for preference files is:
>> /Users/username/Library/Preferences
>> Probably named: "com.adobe.Premiere.plist"
>> That's where all of my other OS X Adobe apps keep their prefs with that
>> naming scheme.
>> Hope that helps.
>> - Mark
>>> What is the path to the Adobe Premiere 6.5 Preference Files for OS X
>>> 10.2.4?
> ----------
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