[MacDV] Re: Scanning Photos

Juan M juanm at mac.com
Sun Mar 30 10:44:10 PST 2003

I agree!!!! The drivers with the Epson are just plain elementary and 
don't really work much at all. I don't know why Epson even bothered. I 
am disappointed in my Epson printer and scanner.

I will be checking out the VueScan software!

Thanks, Neville.


On Sunday, March 30, 2003, at 05:29  AM, Neville Thomas wrote:

>> On Saturday, March 29, 2003, at 11:11  PM, Neville Thomas wrote:
>>> I have an Epson Perfection 1250, but dumped the software provided, 
>>> and got "VueScan" from www.hamrick.com
> On Sunday, March 30, 2003, at 05:05  PM, Carl Flatow wrote:
>> Can you share with us what about the Epson software caused you to 
>> dump it and what VueScan did for you?
> The Epson included software was not Mac OS X compatible, apart from a 
> Scan-to-file utility which was basic.
> I found the Epson (Classic) dialogue process either kindergarten or 
> tortuous.
> VueScan is Mac OS X savvy, gives the desired level of control (basic, 
> intermediate, or advanced) in one panel, and is SO logical.
> It's one of the easiest purchase decisions I've made.
> Neville Thomas in Auckland NZ

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