After two rebates totalling $100, you can get a 120Gb western digital internal drive for only $80. Make certain it is the 'special edition' one with the 8mb of cache. so if you are doing any digital video, time to buy one of these wd1200jbrtl.asp frame1.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1290719448.1052062203@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccejad cifdhlmilcfngcfkmdffhdffl.0&upper=head.jsp&lower=frame2.jsp&left=leftchi ldcat.jsp&right=searchresults.jsp&department=Peripherals+and+Accessories &category=Disk+Drives+and+Memory&fv=20879&cattotal=40&first=yes&sort=Top Sellers you can also order the drive on line at and have it ready for pick up at the closest circuit city store. As I previously mentioned, put these drives in a firewire enclosure. check these out. the dual case: (I have one of these) Here is a link to an article on my installation which I wrote for my user group. There are a bunch of photos here too.'s_Reviews OR the more expensive single case: (this one also does USB 2.0 but who cares about that!) good luck Juan