[MacDV] Re: $80 120Gb drive at circuit city

K. kochkodin at earthlink.net
Mon May 5 05:15:55 PDT 2003

Thubten Kunga wrote:

> Western Digital and Circuit City are very good about sending rebates
> out.

Never had a problem with Circuit City rebates...Last use was after Thanksgiving 2001..
Sent in  over $300 worth on 12/15/0  I got all the rebate checks within a 3 day period
3/12 to 3/15/02...Also had a cd/radio/tape boom box that I got the extended warranty on.
(about $25)..It died 3 weeks before the warranty expired.  (10/02) .They  sent me a box
to return it in and then a check for the purhase price (including tax)..It ended up
costing me $8 a year for 3 years to use the box..  Have never had a problem with
CC..they are a heck of a lot easier to deal with compared to Worst Buy...
Mike K

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