MiroMotion DC30plus - OS X drivers!!!

Adrian Smith adrianslists at optusnet.com.au
Tue May 6 07:31:20 PDT 2003

Completely amazing!!!


I never had any real hope that there would be OS X drivers for this 
card and I am completely amazed that they have appeared like this. I 
was even in the process of configuring an 8600 to do some video 
capture using my DC 30 - now my daughter won't have to fight me for 
access to that machine... (I really hate booting my G4 into OS 9 - it 
is simply too busy doing tasks in OS X).

I've only spent a couple of minutes playing but it looks to work fine 
with my DC30 (NOT plus) card. This must have been one of the first 
DC30 cards because I remember the original order was for a DC20 and 
we were able to get it upgraded to the "new" DC30 at the last minute. 
(The OS 9 drivers report is as hardware version 6).

Adrian Smith

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