[MacDV] Re: DVD-R longevity

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Thu May 8 21:14:58 PDT 2003

On Thursday, May 8, 2003, at 11:03 PM, Mark M. Florida wrote:

> I've had very similar problems with my Pioneer 104 at work -- I just 
> thought maybe it was a media problem.  I had problems with various 
> brands until I settled on Imation brand DVD-Rs.

I don't think its possible to burn a disk "incorrectly". Seems like 
you've either got bad disk(s) or a hardware problem if it persists 
across brands. I haven't ever had a problem reading a disk that I 
burned, even the off brand disks - but some of the cheap disks have not 
been readable in other computers and DVD players.

Verbatim disks seem to work fairly reliably, and Apple disks seem best.


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