Excess baggage from your quoted postings

RichGB rgb at ellerbach.com
Fri May 9 06:26:21 PDT 2003

On [2003-May-09]  Jon Blumhagen <jblumhagen at zionshope.org> wrote:
> One thing folks might not know (I didn't years ago when I first started
> using Outlook Express), BEFORE replying to a message, first select the
> relevant text in the original message, and THEN hit the reply button.
> Only the selected text will be included in the body of the reply.

Great tip Jon! Thanks!

I don't use OL or OLE so I had no idea this was that easy to do but I have a lot
of subscribers on my email lists that use these programs and complain about
editing their replies. Now I can pass this method along to them.

Subscribers to email lists really do need to take some responsibility to keep
their messages as concise as possible to make it easy for the reader; posting
replies on top and then including ALL of the thread underneath is complete


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