Re Western Digital hardrive Unsupported

Bill Freeman flipflapco at
Fri May 9 06:07:20 PDT 2003

>Thanks - So both your WD 120gb 8mb cache drives are recognized in drive
>setup and system profile externally?

They definitely show up in system profile on all the systems I'm 
using. I think I initialized them using OSX Disk Utility.  I would 
expect OS 9.2 would be equally capable, but can't remember if I tried 

>Which system(s) are you using?

I currently have boot partitions setup with 8.6, 9.22, 10.24 and 
10.25.  The 8.6 partition uses the "Heat Utilities" firewire 
extension.  I couldn't get OS 8.6 Apple Firewire extensions to see 
the external drive.

>Under 9.04 apparently this is not unusual.  However I was surprised
>that 10.2.3 would not support it being initialized.

That surprises me too.  It's been a while but I believe I initialized 
both my drives using whatever was the current version Disk Utility 
and OSX at the time.

BTW, my firewire external drives do go to sleep when they are not in 
use.  I'm not sure if it's the drive itself, or the Mac OS that 
controls the sleep schedule.  It's been OK as is so I haven't tried 
to modify the sleep schedule.

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