[MacDV] Screenplays

Illovox Media illovox at oz.net
Sun May 11 16:23:27 PDT 2003

on 5/11/03 4:15 PM, digitalx169 at mac.com at digitalx169 at mac.com wrote:

> Hey,
> Anyone out there write screenplays for DV? I am just wondering because I
> am starting to write one but am wondering do people generally include
> camera angles and shots as part of the main script or iis it you are
> suppose to write a seperate shooting script? I would kinda like ot know
> as it seems very confusing as there are so many styles ou there.
> Chris

Don't include any camera directions.  Then, if you are shooting this, do a
story board, then on your daily logs, include the shots on the pages

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