[MacDV] anyone using a DVD-Recorder?

Mike Swope mike at swopedesign.com
Sun May 11 16:52:26 PDT 2003

We just burned an auto-start DVD for a customer in less than 10 minutes 
with DVD Studio Pro. It was really much simpler than I expected.

e behme wrote:
> If so, could you answer me some basic questions, please?
> I specialize on digitizing 8mm Films (Super and Regular) and most of my 
> clients only want the data on miniDV band for editing and burning on 
> their own computers. I do offer complete DVD production, using DVDStPro, 
> but shy away from it, since it is almost impossible to bill-out the time 
> I end up spending on such a job. That's why I would like to offer a 
> "down-and-dirty" DVD option, preferrably using one of those very 
> affordable (circa 500 Euro) Philips DVD-Recorders.

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