[MacDV] Re: question about which G4 to buy for digital vido

Jim Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sat May 31 12:24:19 PDT 2003

On Saturday, May 31, 2003, at 03:50  PM, gail weisman wrote:

> hey jim,
> thanks for those quick answers. here are a few more questions in 
> response to
> your answers. if you don't have time now don't worry about it, later is
> fine!
> 1. curious why you suggest a refurb. i'm going to lease this time so i 
> won't
> be stuck with something worthless that i can't sell in three years.

Good idea. In that case it's time/money.
How much can you fford? How fast d you need to work? will Dual 
processors work with your fav app?
Do you need a Superdrive?

> 2. i'll assume you're suggesting the dual boot so i don't have to 
> attempt to
> figure out a new OS while i'm trying to figure out digital video too?

That and it will run some of your favorite older stuff.

> 3. if i have a DV mini cam that firewires right into the harddrive, do i
> still need the firewire to analog converter? also, if i buy a monitor 
> with
> digital signal to i need the converter? what exactly is the converter 
> for?

Converter is to put analog video into Firewire and analog video out of 
firwrrire. Audio too.
  Some cameras can do these transcoding tricks, but leaving your camera 
on just to run the monitor seems a waste, and it;s good to be able to 
run in a VHS beta or other analog tape and good tpo be able to make one, 
even if it's jsut a VHS for the neighbors.
That's why they make that Dzzle thing that is the lowest on the food 

> 4. is the superdrive good because you can burn CDs and DVDs? does it 
> serve
> another purpose.

DVD's  that's te deal really . It also does everything else pretty good.

> 5. is the seagate drive you're talking about external or internal, and 
> what
> size you do you suggest? also, how much RAM to comfortably edit video 
> and
> audio?
I have 1.2 gig of ram. Get it. specifically if I were shopping today I 
would get a seagate 80 gig Barracuda and have it installed in 8 minutes.

> thanks!
> Thank you
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