[MacDV] Re: What video file types will iMovie import?

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Tue Nov 4 19:16:00 PST 2003

On Tuesday, November 4, 2003, at 08:25 PM, W T McCain III wrote:

> I will give the dubbing to mini DV a try! I would have loved to get it 
> all on on one tape (obviously will not work dubbing to mini), just in 
> case the cut off from one tape to another was at a critical spot. I do 
> have an external Firewire drive it would fit on, but I don't know how 
> hard it would be to get in on the drive. I suppose it would have to be 
> converted into some QT compatible format.

It could be put on the drive in DV format, but there are a lot more 
issues to deal with there. Its much more reliable and simple to just 
dub a copy onto miniDV.


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