Sorry, used quote from different contributor, Erica Sadun On Nov 11, 2003, at 6:35 AM, Macintosh Digital Video List wrote: > Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 13:23:23 -0500 > From: James Asherman <jimash at> > Subject: [MacDV] Re: Moving into DVD - help!!! > Message-id: <F81B1954-13AA-11D8-9753-0003933EDC98 at> > >>>I have to power down the mac and repower-up with the DVD recorder on to make a solid firewire connnection.<<< I keep fighting firewire connection on my PB Ti 500 while on the desktop PPC G4 450 it's absolutely reliable using the same burner. Unpowering PB didn't help, all sorts of fiddling neither. Any suggestions? Milan