[MacDV] DVD Studio Pro 2 Users

Brett Koonce koonce at universe42.com
Fri Nov 21 09:26:35 PST 2003

For DSP/high end DVD's, you have to manually encode your video to the 
MPEG-2 format.  You can choose a bitrate anywhere from 
2-10Megabits/sec, which translates to roughly .9->4.5GB/hr.  A good VBR 
rate is 5Mb/sec, which translates to 2.25GB/hour.  Throw in audio and 
whatnot, and you can just barely fit a 100 minute feature into 4.5GB, 
which is why most DVD makers just make dual layer disks (9.4GB) which 
gives them more than enough room for special features and whatnot.

If this answer sounds a bit complicated, it's only the tip of the 


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