[MacDV] Re: iMovie audio problem

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Tue Oct 21 16:33:18 PDT 2003

>The iMovie 3.03 update is supposed to take care of this problem if I 
>recall correctly. I've also heard of sync problems happening if you 
>use 12 bit audio. Setting your camera for 16 bit audio will prevent 
>problems. I'm not sure what to tell you about the audio you have now.
>>Hello. I know this problem has been discussed on here
>>in the past, but I'm still having trouble converting
>>my iMovie file (about 17 minutes long) to a .mov file.
>>At about 8 or 9 minutes in, the audio gets about 2-3
>>seconds behind the video. Has there been an iMovie
>>update or some other patch that solves this problem?

You can always use QuickTime Pro to export a 16-bit
version of your audio.

Open the iMovie project reference movie in QuickTime.
Choose File > Export, and export Sound to AIFF. Set
your options (click Options) to 48 khz, 16 bit,
Stereo. Click OK to close the Options window. Click

- Erica

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