[MacDV] 16:9 confusion

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Thu Oct 30 18:36:07 PST 2003

On Thursday, October 30, 2003, at 08:59  PM, Paul Bravmann wrote:

> i about to start shooting a short documentary using a borrowed canon 
> XL-1,
> will finish the project with a GL-2. both cameras have a 16:9 option 
> which
> i'd like to use--i hope to broadcast or submit the thing to festivals 
> in
> widescreen format. BUT i keep reading warnings re: using this in-camera
> feature--that it's better to matte the flip-screen or viewfinder (not 
> really
> sure how one would go about the latter)  and put the black bands on in
> post... what makes this method better? the one thing i do know how to 
> do is
> compose a shot, so it's unlike that i'll end up with footage that i'd 
> like
> to reframe. so i just don't understand why i wouldn't want to use the 
> 16:9
> "effect." would somebody please explain?
> much thanks,
> phb
> \\

The reason not to use it is that it really is 16x9 and once shot that 
way is wide screen native and no going back. Everybody looks fat unless 
you have a really big TV.

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