[MacDV] Re: iMovie Titles Using Photoshop

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Tue Sep 9 09:00:46 PDT 2003

At 10:28 AM -0500 9/9/03, Steven Rogers wrote:
>On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 10:07 AM, Erica Sadun wrote:
>>iMovie wants 4:3. It doesn't have to be 640x480.
>Yeah, I really meant 640:480 and/or 720:480
>>This lets you design your art in Photoshop with the same aspect 
>>that you'll see it on your TV.
>Is there something to look at in iMovie that would make it clear why 
>this is so? I thought the 640x480 window in iMovie was a rendered 
>preview (hence all the jaggy text issues) from the underlying 
>720x480 media. However, since its software it doesn't necessarily 
>have to make sense . . .

720x480 in iMovie isn't the same as 720x480 in
the DV format.

If you use 720x480 with iMovie, you should end up
with  circles that look oval on your TV set.

iMovie was designed for a consumer audience
who wants WYSIWYG.

-- E

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